Malachi-Genesis-Exodus vs. John

The Book of John uses eight (8) distinct sections to tell the story of God’s 3rd visit to fallen man: God in Jesus.
Ch. 1:1-39

Prophesying God’s 3rd visit

Ch. 1:40-42

Brothers finds God

Ch. 1:43-2:12

God’s 1st visit

Ch. 2:13-10:42

God’s 2nd visit

Ch. 10:1-42

Prophesying God’s 3rd Offer

Ch. 11:1-56

Prophesying God’s 4th visit

Ch. 11:57-12:50

Prophesying God’s 5th visit

Ch. 13 – 21

3rd visit ends

Last 3 verses
Shepherd Parable
Lazarus Story
Capture Command
7 Spirits of God
Final Days
God’s 5 Visits
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 1-2 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Table of Contents
– – – 80 Stories Side by Side (precept upon precept) – – –


Man rejected God the first time in the Garden, and then the second time at the Mountain, it is now time for God to return for the third time.

The last Prophet, in the last three verses of the last chapter in the old testament, prophecies the form of the return of God to man for the third time.

John 1:1-39 fulfills the last warning in Malachi, God must return in the form of the thing you chose at the mountain.
— Remember at the mountain, you chose Moses, a man to speak to you, and not God —

Story #
Section in Malachi
Summary of the end of Malachi
Section in John
Summary of the Story in John
Malachi 4:4 Look back at the Mountain story when you chose a speaking man instead of the speaking God. fulfilled by John 1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word, in Him was life.
Malachi 4:5a Elijah the Prophet is coming. fulfilled by John 1:6-9 John the Baptizer bears witness of Jesus, the true Light.
Malachi 4:5b The dreadful day of the Lord comes after the prophet. fulfilled by John 1:10 Jesus came and He was rejected.
Malachi 4:6 Heart of fathers turn to children, and children’s heart must turn to fathers, curse coming if not. fulfilled by John 1:12-13 How to become sons of God, born by the will of God.
Malachi 4:4 The Word was made flesh and “tabernacled” among man. fulfilled by John 1:14 Look back at the Mountain story when you chose a man instead of God.
Malachi 4:5a Elijah the Prophet is coming. fulfilled by John 1:15-26a John the Baptizer bears witness of Jesus, the Law came by Moses, grace and truth by Jesus Christ
Malachi 4:5b The dreadful day of the Lord comes after the prophet. fulfilled by John 1:26b-28 Jesus stands among you and you don’t even know it.
Malachi 4:6 Heart of fathers turn to children, and children’s heart must turn to fathers, curse coming if not. fulfilled by John 1:29-39 John calls Jesus the Son of God, and Jesus takes two disciples to his “father’s house.”
Malachi 4:4-6 The previous stories, 1-8, compared to John. fulfilled by John 1:1-39 The previous stories, 1-8, compared to Malachi.

Cain and Abel

Right Outside of the Garden – Cain and Abel

John 1:40-42 fulfills (fixes) the Cain and Abel story

Story #
Section in Genesis
Summary of the Genesis Cain/Abel Story
Section in John
Summary of the Story in John
Genesis 4:1-8a Two brothers learning about God and then they talk, the Cain and Abel Story. fulfilled by John 1:40-41 One brother learns about God and then talks with his brother, the Andrew and Simon(Peter) Story.
Genesis 4:8b-12 After the talk, one brother kills and talks with God. He will have a “harder time” working the ground, Cain’s punishment. fulfilled by John 1:42 After the talk, both brothers talk with God. Second brother gets a new name after believing, “Peter – a stone”.


Adam and Eve
God’s 1st Church – God’s 1st Visit

In the Garden – Adam and Eve

John 1:43 – 2:12 fulfills (fixes) the Adam and Eve story

Story #
Section in Genesis
Summary of the Genesis Adam/Eve Story
Section in John
Summary of the Story in John
Genesis 2:7-17 Adam and the two Trees. fulfilled by John 1:43-51 Jesus sees Nathanael under the fig tree.

#1 Innocence (Jesus says, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!”)

Genesis 2:18-24 Eve formed and marriage story. fulfilled by John 2:1-2 Jesus at marriage in Cana.
Genesis 3:1-8 Adam listens to woman (Eve). fulfilled by John 2:3-5 Jesus does not listen to woman (his mother).
Genesis 3:9-14 Adam is hiding – he ate from wrong (worst) tree. fulfilled by John 2:6-11 Jesus changes water to finest wine – gives it to governor of the feast.
Genesis 3:23-24 Adam and Eve kicked out of Garden. fulfilled by John 2:12 Jesus and his mother leave Cana and go to Capernaum.


God’s 2nd Church – God’s 2nd Visit

At the Mountain – Moses/Israelites

John 2:13 – 9:41 fulfills (fixes) the Moses story

Story #
Section in Exodus
Summary of the Story in Exodus
Section in John
Summary of John Story
Cloud on Mountain/Moses
Exodus 1:1-21 Pharaoh is casting males out of his land. fulfilled by John 2:13-22 Jesus is casting males out of His Father’s house (the Temple).

#2 Self Awareness (It was written: The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.)

Exodus 1:22 Pharaoh orders male babies drowned, prophesies Egypt’s fate. fulfilled by John 2:23-25 Passover day, people believe, Jesus prophesies his own fate.
Exodus 2:1-6 Moses placed in the river (water) and God’s Spirit works it out so Moses ends up in a new kingdom. fulfilled by John 3:1-6 Jesus and Nicodemus talk, must be born of water and spirit to enter the kingdom of God.
Exodus 3:1-12 God comes out of nowhere to Moses in the burning bush and returns to back where he came from. fulfilled by John 3:7-13 Jesus and Nicodemus still talking, you can’t tell where the wind comes from or where it goes. You can’t even understand earthly things.
Exodus 4:1-5 God tells Moses to lift the serpent up and that is proof that God has come. fulfilled by John 3:14a Jesus refers to Moses lifting up a serpent in the wilderness and prophesies his own death that will draw all men to him.
Exodus 4:19-23 God gave Moses to go free Israel, his son, his first born. fulfilled by John 3:14b-21 God gave his only begotten son to save the perishing.
Exodus 4:24-26 The Lord comes down from heaven to Moses and his family, circumcision must be performed. fulfilled by John 3:22-27 Jesus’ group and John the baptizer are both baptizing. What man receives, only comes from heaven.
Exodus 4:27 God tells Aaron (prophet to Moses) to go meet Moses. The two are brothers. fulfilled by John 3:28-31 John the baptizer reminds everyone that he is only the forerunner to prophet Jesus. The two are cousins.
Exodus 4:28-31 Moses testifies to all he has seen and heard, everyone received his testimony. fulfilled by John 3:32-36 Jesus will testify to all He has seen and heard, no one will receive his testimony. Jesus has full measure of the Spirit.
Exodus 7:1-25 God makes Moses a god to Pharaoh, and God makes Aaron a prophet to Moses. Moses and Pharaoh are at the waters of Egypt and the living water turns to blood, dead water. fulfilled by John 4:1-30 Jesus and the woman at the well, living water. She is the first person that He tells that He is the Messiah (God on earth). She calls Jesus a prophet.
Exodus 11:1-3 & 12:1-15 God explains what to do for the Passover, plague will come, you will be sent out of Egypt, reap the wealth of Egypt before leaving, and what to eat. fulfilled by John 4:31-44 While the woman went to get her city, disciples return with food for Jesus to eat. Jesus talks about sowing and reaping and wages.
Exodus 12:29-36 Passover night and the Pharaoh’s firstborn son dies. fulfilled by John 4:45-54 Jesus heals the Roman nobleman’s son.
Exodus 14:20-28 The crossing of the Red Sea. At the Red Sea, the water was stirred and they walked through on dry land. fulfilled by John 5:1-9 Jesus heals the legs of a man at pool of Bethesda and tells him to walk. Water not stirred.
Exodus 15:22-27 The bitter waters of Marah, murmuring, the water is stirred by a tree thrown in, and they drink. God says, keep all my statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. fulfilled by John 5:10-15 Healed man walks and the Jewish leaders murmur against him because he is not listening to God’s word. Jesus comes back to him and says, you are whole, sin no more or a worse thing will come on you.
Story #
Section in John
Pauses from fulfilling and starts explaining John 5:16-47 “My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.” Jesus explains His works.

Jesus pauses from His works to explain how His works are fulfilling the scriptures.

Story #
Section in Exodus
Summary of the Story in Exodus
Section in John
Summary of John Story
Cloud on Mountain/Moses
Exodus 16:1-36 God feeds the multitudes with manna (bread) and quail. fulfilled by John 6:1-15 Jesus feeds the multitudes with bread and fish.
Exodus 17:1-6 Israelites are about to die in the desert, God gives water out of the rock. fulfilled by John 6:16-21 Disciples are about to drown in the sea, Jesus calms the storm. Immediately on dry land.
Exodus 17:7 Israelites tempted the Lord, “Is He here or not?” fulfilled by John 6:22-71 Jesus, “I am the bread of life.”
Jesus, “Will you go away also?”
Exodus 17:8-16 Amalek seeks to kill the Israelites. Moses arms are lifted up and they can’t. fulfilled by John 7:1 Israelites seek to kill Jesus but don’t right now, when they do, His arms will be lifted up.
Exodus 18:1–27 Moses’ father-in-law comes to Moses. Moses goes out to meet him then brings him back to his tent. Jethro will tell Moses how to conduct all judgement. fulfilled by John 7:2-24 Jesus’ brothers come and talk to him about going to the feast of tabernacles (tents). Jesus tells the Jews how to conduct judgement.
Exodus 19:1-2 Three months since Egypt sought to kill the Israelites but they didn’t. They are at the mount of God now. fulfilled by John 7:25-31 Jesus is the one being sought, they want to kill Him but they don’t. Jesus stands before them and says you know me.
Exodus 19:3-6 Moses goes up to God the first time. The people can’t follow up to the mount of God. fulfilled by John 7:32-35 Jesus says He is here now but will go to God, the people can’t follow Jesus when He goes.
Exodus 19:9-13 Moses goes up to God the second time. The people can’t follow up to the mount of God. fulfilled by John 7:36-43 Jesus says He is here now but will go to God, the people can’t follow Jesus when He goes.
Exodus 19:20-25 Moses goes up to God the third time. He tells the people stay away from the mountain. fulfilled by John 7:44-45 No one can touch Jesus. The leaders want to know why no one has caught Jesus.
Exodus 20:1-21 God speaks from the mountain to everyone. Moses accept God’s word, everyone else rejects. fulfilled by John 7:46–53 & John 8:1 Leaders want to know why no one has caught Jesus. No man speaks like Jesus does, Nicodemus accepts Jesus’ words, everyone else rejects. Jesus up mountain.
Exodus 20:21b through Exodus 32:29 God talks to Moses from the mountain, make an altar of stone without any tools, don’t use steps so that your nakedness be not discovered. 4th (gets laws) and 5th (gets tabernacle) time up and down the mountain. God writes on the tablets, Moses cast them down when he finds the golden calf and the naked Israelites worshipping it. 3,000 men choose “not Moses” and they are slain with the sword. fulfilled by John 8:2-59 Jesus comes down from the mountain and goes to the temple. The leaders bring a woman caught in adultery (caught naked). The leaders want to bring stones to the event. They know what the law says, they want to know what Jesus says.
Exodus 33:1-23 and Exodus 34:29–35 and Exodus 35-40 Moses builds the tabernacle and God comes down in the sight of all the Israelites. Moses sees God’s back parts. Moses’ face shines after 7th time up and down the mountain. Moses has two tablets for the 2nd time. fulfilled by John 9:1-41 Jesus gives sight to the blind man.
The end of stories from the past.


God’s 3rd Church – God’s 3rd Visit

Jesus will prophecy what the two choices are for this 3rd time that God has offered Himself to man.
The Shepherd (life) – The Thief (death)

Story #
Section in John
Summary of the Shepherd or Thief Choice
Future Section in John
Summary of Jesus Fulfilling the Shepherd or Thief Choice
John 10:1-6 Jesus is prophesying about not entering by a door, and a thief and robber. The one that goes in the door is the shepherd. fulfilled by John 18:28-40 Jesus goes in the judgement hall but the Jews stay out because of Passover. Pilate calls Jesus a King. The Jews want Jesus killed and they choose Barabbas (a robber) over Jesus.
John 10:7-10 Jesus is prophesying about a door, thieves, and sheep. The thief will bring death, but Jesus will bring life. fulfilled by John 19:1-6 Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him, Pilate goes out and says Jesus has no fault in him, the Jews tell Pilate to crucify Jesus.
John 10:11-15 Jesus is prophesying about the hireling, the good shepherd, the wolf, and the sheep.
fulfilled by
John 19:7-18 Pilate, Jesus, the Jewish leaders with Pilate, and then any person that didn’t turn against Jesus.
John 10:16 Jesus says that He needs to gather more than only the Jewish people. The Jews being Jesus’ current sheepfold. fulfilled by John 19:19-27 Pilate has a sign put on the cross that is written in Greek and Latin, as well as Hebrew. Clothes into 4 parts and also whole. Mother joins another family.
John 10:17-18a Jesus says that He has the power to lay his own life down. fulfilled by John 19:28-30 Jesus lays his own life down on the cross.
John 10:18b Jesus says that He has the power to come back to life. fulfilled by John 20:1-16 Mary Magdalene finds out that Jesus has risen from the dead and He is alive.
John 10:18c Jesus says that His power to die, and then rise, is a commandment from His Father. fulfilled by John 20:17-18 Jesus tells Mary not to touch Him yet because He must return to His Father.
John 10:19-21 Some people think Jesus has a devil, but others, looks back at the blind man that saw the Lord and ask if a devil can open blind eyes. fulfilled by John 20:18 Mary tells the disciples hath her eyes have seen the Lord.
John 10:22-23 Jesus walks in the temple and explains His works, then He talks about eternal life. Jesus and His Father are one. The Jews want to stone Him because He is only a talking man, but is making Himself God. fulfilled by John 20:19 – John 21:14 Jesus uses His three “works”, His three appearances to His disciples, after His death, to build a temple.
John 10:34-38 Jesus quotes their law, Psalm 82, “Ye are gods.” Questions them on Him saying, “I am the Son of God.” Once again tells them to judge Him by His works. fulfilled by Psalm 82:1-8 At the choosing time: You will judge unjustly. You will accept a wicked person. You walk in darkness. You are gods. You shall die like men. God will arise.
John 10:39-42 The Jews want to capture Jesus but they can’t. Then John directs the conversation back to John the baptizer in the beginning of the Book of John. fulfilled by John 21:18-25 Jesus asks Peter if he loves three times, and Jesus answers back with lambs and sheep.


The Lazarus Prophecy
God’s 4th Church – God’s 4th Visit

Since Jesus has been fulfilling stories from the past, He will now act out a new story so that He can fulfill it.
He is following the pattern of fulfilling an old story, but this time He will create a new story and then fulfill it in every detail with His death and resurrection.

The fulfillment of the Lazarus prophecy ends with Jesus foretelling the future, He will return before John dies.

Story #
Section in John
Summary of the Lazarus Story in John
Future Section in John
Summary of Jesus Fulfilling the Lazarus Prophecy
John 11:1-9 Lazarus is sick and a woman travels away from home to find Jesus. Glory to come from raising Lazarus from the dead. Jesus tells the disciples they are going to travel to the woman’s home. Walking in the day brings light.

#4 Promise – Outside the tabernacle (Jesus talks about 1/2 of a day, you can walk in light or walk in night.)

fulfilled by John 19:25-29 Jesus dying on the cross, disciple told to take woman as his mother and he takes her to his home.
John 11:10-16 Lazarus is dead.
fulfilled by
John 19:30-40 Jesus dies in the daylight but must be buried by nightfall.
John 11:17-38 Lazarus is in the tomb. fulfilled by John 19:41 – 20:1a Jesus is in the tomb.
John 11:39-41a Lazarus’ stone rolled away. fulfilled by John 20:1 Jesus’ stone rolled away.
John 11:41b-44 Lazarus is out of the tomb. (Graveclothes and napkin) fulfilled by John 20:2-10 Jesus is out of the tomb. (Graveclothes and napkin)
John 11:45 Story about Mary and believers after Lazarus comes back to life. fulfilled by John 20:11-17 Mary believes after Jesus comes back to life.
John 11:46 Some witnesses to the resurrection of Lazarus go back to the religious leaders. fulfilled by John 20:18 Mary, the first witness to the resurrection of Jesus, goes back to the disciples.
John 11:48-56 The chief priests and the Pharisees meet together to decide on Jesus’ future. They then stand in the temple wondering if Jesus will come to the feast. fulfilled by John 20:19-31 and 21:1-25 Jesus returns three times to His disciples. The three appearances mirror the three rooms of the temple. Jesus provides a feast and then Jesus tells them His future and their future.


The Jesus Prophecy
God’s 5th Church – God’s 5th Visit

This is the “What’s in your heart” Prophecy, the new law.

Once the religious leaders decide on the fate of Jesus, Jesus will use His own life and words to show the result of that decision.
The time frame that this prophecy encompasses is from the command to capture Jesus, through His return to John, and then up until His return to you today. Jesus will use His return to John which was prophesied in the Lazarus Prophecy as proof that He returned before John died (as a “thief in the night”) and now He is returning one more time to you today. This time Jesus is showing you how He is completely fulfilling the down payment of the Holy Spirit. Jesus even prophecies your response to His return.

Story #
Prophecy- 5th return
Summary of the man’s Heart Prophecy
Future Section in John
Summary of Jesus Fulfilling the Man’s Heart Prophecy
John 11:57 Commandment given to take (capture) Jesus.

#5 Law (Man makes law to deal with God.)

fulfilled by John 18:11-12 and John 19:30 Jesus is captured and killed.
John 12:1-11 Mary anoints Jesus with costly ointment in preparation for burial. fulfilled by John 19:38-40 Nicodemus brings the ointment and wraps Jesus’ dead body in preparation for burial. Jesus is then placed in the tomb.
John 12:12-19 Jesus enters Jerusalem as the King of Israel. fulfilled by Acts 1:6-9 and
Revelation 3:21
Jesus enters Heaven and sits on the throne.
John 12:20-22 The Greeks (non-Jews) come to Jesus and want to talk to Him. fulfilled by Acts 10:44-46 and
Revelation 11:2
The knowledge of Jesus goes to the Gentiles. The Holy Spirit indwells the Gentiles, the Jews are amazed.
John 12:23–26 Seed must die so fullness can come. fulfilled by Ephesians 1:13-14 and
Revelation 3:21 and
Revelation 5:6
This story is prophesying that something greater than the Holy Spirit must arrive in the future. Whatever it is, it will complete the Holy Spirit perfectly just like a seed must die and then a tree completes that seed.
John 12:27–36 The Father speaks from heaven. fulfilled today in your ears This story is prophesying that it is time for that voice from heaven to let man know what fills the down payment of the Holy Spirit.
John 12:37–41 Prophet must come and fulfill the sayings. fulfilled today in your ears This story is prophesying that when God speaks, He will speak to a prophet who will then be sent to tell what fulfills the down payment of the Holy Spirit.
John 12:42–43 Man worries about what their religious leader will do to them. fulfilled today in your ears This story is prophesying that men already in “good standing” in Church will always worry about what their Church leaders and Church friends will do and say.
John 12:44-50 Everything Jesus spoke was for a reason, it pointed to the one that sent Him.
Jesus was given commandment to say and do what He said and did, the commandment is life everlasting.
fulfilled today in your ears This story is prophesying that when you believe in the one who is sent, you are really believing in the one who sent him.
You are not judged by the one who was sent, but you are judged by what you were shown.


Jesus’s final days.

John will record these events always using the three fulfilled stories from above.

John will use:
# 1) The Garden: Adam/Eve,
# 2) The Mountain: Moses/Israelites,
# 3) The Roman Court: Jesus/Jewish people,
as the means of telling the remaining life of Jesus,

and then is some cases,

John will also add:
# 4) the time until Jesus returned to John,
# 5) the time while Jesus returns to Gentiles now.

John hides this method of telling the remaining stories, but once you see it, it will be as if the light has been turned on and you can never un-see it.

Story #
Chapters in John
Summary of the Story in John
Summary of the Jesus Story continues
Told using the Garden, Mountain, Jesus way of telling the story

John 13 and 14 The 1st Garden/Mountain/Jesus way of telling a story.
Devil enters Judas Iscariot, washing of feet, eating at table, whom eats bread shall betray Jesus, Jesus says He must be glorified and must go away, Jesus tells Peter that he will deny Jesus three times, Jesus must go to prepare the many roomed house, you will do greater works, comforter will come, keep Jesus’ words, and Jesus will not talk to them much after this.

#6 Grace-in (Jesus knows it is time to change realms, He must depart this world and go unto the Father.)

Garden – Devil puts in heart and naked/towel covers
Mountain – Water in basin and wash and dry feet
Jesus – Son of man glorified, Jesus to die
Future to them – Jesus is to leave, and more/greater works to come
John 15 and 16 The 2nd Garden/Mountain/Jesus way of telling a story.
Jesus is the vine, gives commandment to love one another, will lay down His life, comforter will come, Jesus must go away, you will see me again, says everything is proverbs, disciples say they understand now, and Jesus says they will leave Him.
Garden – Tree, vine, gardener
Mountain – Law given
Jesus – Lay down life for friends
Future to them – Holy Spirit/Comforter to come
Today – Saying understood
You – Still man rejects
John 17 Jesus pauses from the Garden/Mountain/Jesus story telling and talks about the works He has done and that He has manifest God’s name. Jesus says that He will declare God’s name some more again. Jesus pauses to tell you to look to His work, His manifestation of God’s name and life eternal. Jesus has been using a pattern in His works that might be hard to see but He will make the next story very short and sweet. The same pattern will exist in a single 45 word verse.
John 18:1-2 The 3rd Garden/Mountain/Jesus way of telling a story.
Jesus is finished with His prayer and travels over a brook and into a garden.
Jesus – Jesus speaks
Mountain – Crossing body of water
Garden – Entered garden
John 18:3-12 The 4th Garden/Mountain/Jesus way of telling a story.
Three different things happen when Jesus is found in the garden and will be taken. (Garden Story)
All three will take place in a Garden
(Garden reference)

Garden – They don’t reach for Life and they fall
Mountain – Let my people go
Jesus – They finally choose Jesus, but, to kill Him.
John 18:13-27 The 5th Garden/Mountain/Jesus way of telling a story.
Jesus is led out of the garden and into the palace of the high priest. Peter denies Jesus three times. (Mountain Story)
All three will take place at Government gated building
(Tabernacle/Mountain reference)

Jesus – Peter denies at door
Mountain – Peter denies at burning “mountain” of coals
Garden – Peter denies being seen in the garden
John 18:26-40, John 19, John 20:1-18 The 6th Garden/Mountain/Jesus way of telling a story.
Jesus taken to the hall of judgement, Jews choose to release Barabbas, Jesus is scourged, dressed like a king, Jesus crucified, has side pierced, wrapped with clothes and spices, placed in a sepulchre in a garden, Mary finds stone moved, Jesus not there, disciples come, disciples go home, Mary sees two angels, Mary sees Jesus but only “sees” a gardener, Jesus says, “Mary”, and Mary now knows it is Jesus, Jesus says, “Touch me not…”, and finally Mary goes and tells all the disciples. (Jesus story)
All three will take place as “judgement”
(Jesus reference)

Jesus – In Hall of judgement with no fault found in Him
Mountain – Scourged/skin removed on the way to deliver His people (Moses also has skin removed, circumcised, on the way to deliver His people)
Garden – Jesus laid in a new sepulcher located in a garden next to place of crucifixion
John 20:19-31 and 21:1-14 Jesus returns 3 times and builds the 3 room tabernacle with the appearances.
Jesus returns in a closed room the first time back, He returns in a closed room the second time, and then He returns in an outside area with water and a fire pit.
Building a prophetic tabernacle with Jesus appearing three times

1st appearing (Holy of Holies) – Closed room giving down payment of Holy Spirit
2nd appearing (Holy Place) – Closed room

—John pauses to tell you that he is only writing very specific stories, and these stories should make you believe.—

3rd appearing (Outer Court) – Outdoors by water and fire pit

John 21:15-24 The 7th Garden/Mountain/Jesus way of telling a story.
Jesus ask Peter if he loves Him three times, Jesus tells him to feed my lambs, feed my sheep, and feed my sheep. Jesus tells Peter his future and then Peter wants to know John’s future. Jesus prophesies the time frame of His return back to man using John’s life span. So Jesus has told them what man should have been looking for each of the three times God stood before man in the past and then Jesus tells them when He will return to stand before man in the future.
Look to the sheep to see the pattern

Jesus – Feed my lambs, Jesus the lamb of God
Mountain – Feed my sheep, Moses was feeding sheep
Outside Garden – Feed my sheep, Abel was feeding sheep
Future to them – Disciples will be led away and killed
Jesus’ Second Coming – Jesus will return before John’s death
John 21:25 John refers to the impossibility that books in this world can contain all that Jesus did in this world, but maybe a book could contain all that Jesus did if it followed the same pattern of the Garden/Mountain/Jesus story only and then also used a tabernacle in the pattern also. Since John was reversing most of the past stories, could he be making this last statement so that you will read it with the inverse meaning. Try it a see.
Also, could the Book of Revelation be written the same way as the Book of John, he did write both books?

